Imagination & Remembrance.

Or why the ‘Arts’ are important. This morning I had the privilege of leading morning worship via zoom, and two minutes silence. It was our Remembrance Sunday Service.During the service we used a clip, the sound failed and I only knew after the service. Probably something I did or didn’t do on my zoomContinue reading “Imagination & Remembrance.”

Canal walk.

I decided to enter a competition. It was a challenge to write about a favourite walk in under ‘so many’ words. Of course it didn’t get far, but I enjoyed the process. It was a reason to write something different. I wrote this as I considered my favourite local walk – along the Monmouthshire andContinue reading “Canal walk.”

The blank page….

Giving thanks for Michael Rosen and for freedom of thought. For beautiful writing journal’s, for scruffy journals…for time and space to be creative. My husband laughs because everywhere we go I take my journal.Everywhere! Because I never know when I might see something or think something, that might end up in a sermon, reflection, blogContinue reading “The blank page….”

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