
Smouldering wick…

Why on a beautiful, sunny and warm Good Friday am I sat inside, at my computer, writing a post for my much neglected blog? Well, it’s because for the first time in such a long time, I have the mental headspace to do it – and I have had so many things I wanted to…

An easing on the weight..

There is a story, of a teacher who was explaining weight to his pupils. He asked them all to pick up their pencil cases and hold them in one hand, straight up, in the air. At first the class thought this was easy ..but after a while.. they felt how even this small weight started…

A Small Christmas.

  Reflection. A Small Christmas : A reflection for the Christmas period, used online 27th December. ”The weather outside is frightful”,One benefit of the lockdown was that we didn’t have to go far in this weather, we can leave storm Bella alone out there. We may feel that we could hibernate until winter is over,…

New growth….in life…

Over the lockdown period I have widened my listening.Tuning in to the sounds of wildlife in the garden, or along the canal path.Settling down to enjoy podcasts rather than listening to radio ‘live’ or watching the news on TV.I have engaged with my ‘spiritual director’ via zoom more often and listened to myself – questioned…

Canal walk.

I decided to enter a competition. It was a challenge to write about a favourite walk in under ‘so many’ words. Of course it didn’t get far, but I enjoyed the process. It was a reason to write something different. I wrote this as I considered my favourite local walk – along the Monmouthshire and…

Autumn. A blog on appreciating the season.

New shoes, white socks, fabric still ‘firm’. September.New exercise books, clean lines – drawing in the margins. Red biro, blue biro.New school year, possibly a new school, or Uni, or college. Autumn, the season which shows us that things change, but change beautifully. Leaves fall softly but give us a colour show of a colour…

The blank page….

Giving thanks for Michael Rosen and for freedom of thought. For beautiful writing journal’s, for scruffy journals…for time and space to be creative. My husband laughs because everywhere we go I take my journal.Everywhere! Because I never know when I might see something or think something, that might end up in a sermon, reflection, blog…

Books…..Ah yes….a major love of my life….

Today is Monday, my day of rest – and day nine of my return to ministry post sabbatical. It takes time to adjust after three months off…and time to get your head around how church life must change if we are to re-open.  My brain is also dealing with the need to prepare a ‘profile’…


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